We are responsible for what we do
We are stronger than we think we are
Black, white, & in between
Whether you are making a long-term commitment to your partner or are navigating a separation, family law can be frightening and confusing. Mand Law & Mediation can give you clear and direct advice about your options. Mand Law & Mediation simplifies the process and protects your interests at each stage, whether your situation involves negotiation, mediation, arbitration or litigation. We know even in the best of situations, relationship building and breakdowns can be challenging, complex and emotional and we are here to help you achieve a sensible solution.
Cohabitation & Marriage Agreements
Separation Agreements & Divorce
Court Orders
Family Violence & Protection
Independent Legal Advice
The labour of life, love, & what is borne
Children are often the most unfortunate casualties in a relationship breakdown. At Mand Law & Mediation, we keep the long view in mind, knowing that although a relationship between the parents may end, the tie between parents continues through their children. We work toward healthy, practical, and reasonable solutions that ease the transition for children and reduce the impact of conflict on children.
Parenting Plans:
Time & Contact
Custody & Access
Grandparent Rights
We build, unbuild, & rebuild
Disentangling the life that you had together can be difficult, not only emotionally, but financially. Mand Law & Mediation provides clear, practical advice to help divide financial assets with your needs and goals in mind.
Asset & Debt Division
Pension Division
Financial Disclosure
Family Maintenance Enforcement Program